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  • lia··· 10/10/2021 0Recommend

    O - Own my life
    L - Learn another language
    E - Educate myself
    N - Never stop loving
    S - Support others

  • Yan··· 09/28/2021 0Recommend

    O - Overcome my fears
    L - Learn korean language
    E - Earn enough money to move to another country and fulfill my biggest dream to become a singer

    N - New fashion style 

    S - Spend a day in the desert island with my friends

  • tia··· 09/27/2021 0Recommend

    Dear Full moon,
    my wishes are....

    O- Overcome my fear and insecurities.
    L- Love harder as every moment could be the last
    E- Eat all the food and cuisine I have yet to try
    N- Never have to cry to sleep again
    S- Spend the rest of my life RICH AND HAPPY
    Happy chuseok!

  • isa··· 09/27/2021 1Recommend

    Dear Full moon,
    my wishes are…

    O- Open up new opportunities
    L- Live life to the fullest
    E- Empower my loved ones
    N-Network with interesting people
    S- Stay healthy and happy ;)

  • Rac··· 09/27/2021 0Recommend

    Dear Full moon,
    my wishes are…
    O - Overcoming my weaknesses
    L - Learning from my mistakes
    E - Eating healthier
    N - Never give up no matter how tough it is
    S - Staying Strong

  • Cry··· 09/26/2021 0Recommend

    Dear Full Moon, my wishes are...

    O-Own a house
    L- Learn Spanish
    E-Earn admission to law school
    N-Nice to everyone
    S-Smile everyday

  • KAN··· 09/26/2021 0Recommend

    Dear Full Moon, my wishes are...

    O-outing with my friends
    L- Learn UK culture
    E-Enjoy UK life
    N-Never GIVE UP
    S-Spend happy days in UK!

  • Val··· 09/25/2021 0Recommend

    Dear Full Moon, my wishes are...

    O - Own my own house!
    L - Love myself more!
    E - Eat many nice food in the world!
    N - Never give up life!
    S - Spend on whatever I want like OLENS!

  • yur··· 09/25/2021 0Recommend

    Dear Full Moon, my wishes are...
    Own a dog
    Learn to speak French
    Earn a lot of money
    No more negativity
    Spend more time with family

  • Jes··· 09/25/2021 0Recommend

    O - Own up to and learn from my past mistakes
    L - Learn Spanish to be able to talk to more people
    E - Earn my degree and find a job
    N - No more beating myself up and being negative
    S - Self love and raise self esteem!

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