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    • S.c**** Secriss 3con Coral Gray (10p)
      None Info None Info

      Super like this grey colour Lens with 3 tones. Long hours wearing and feel comfortable.

    • 20/02/2024
    • Don**** Secriss 3con Coral Gray (10p)
      Dark Brown Eyes Natural

      Really cool effect! It also enlarges the eyes a bit, had someone actually notice my eyes being a bit bigger

    • 15/01/2024
    • Don**** Secriss 3con Coral Gray (10p)
      Dark Brown Eyes Natural

      A bit more subtle in dark setting but noticable when hit w light ! Really cool and feels comfortable

    • 15/01/2024
    • she**** Secriss 3con Coral Gray (10p) 2+1
      Black Eyes Natural

      pretty design but for black eyes, the difference isnt super obvious. however it's comfy and if you like a natural look, this would suit

    • 07/12/2023
    • she**** Secriss 3con Coral Gray (10p) 2+1
      Black Eyes Natural

      dimensions are a little larger than my usual style and the shade is on the natural side

    • 07/12/2023