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상품리뷰 안 리뷰 목록

    • mee**** ViVi Ring Brown
      Dark Brown Eyes Ivory

      very natural and fits my eye shape really well, daily look type

    • 28/04/2024
    • poo**** ViVi Ring 1Day Brown (20p)
      Dark Brown Eyes Beige

      very moisturizing as advertised. my eyes were not irritated a single time during the day!

    • 26/04/2024
    • aik**** ViVi Ring 1Day Brown (20p)
      Dark Brown Eyes Warm Ivory

      Olens puscon is really famous and I've been wearing for a time. The natural size for Vivi ring becomes my go-to lenses since the first time I wear them.

    • 24/04/2024
    • jen**** ViVi Ring 1Day Brown (20p)
      Dark Brown Eyes Porcelain

      Vivi ring is always an easy go to for daily Brown lens! Soft and creamy shade makes it look romantic natural
      and also iconic limbal ring makes your eyes look more defined!

    • 17/04/2024
    • lov**** ViVi Ring 1Day Brown (10p)
      Dark Brown Eyes Natural

      Recommend olens puscon lenses!! Really comfy and they wont irritate my eyes. Light wear and the color is really natural :)

    • 16/04/2024