상품리뷰 안 포토리뷰 영역

상품리뷰 안 리뷰 목록

    • kys**** BLUE BOX
      Black Eyes Porcelain

      Love these, they're brightening and fit my eye perfectly.
      The transition between the blue to my natural eyes is rlly pretty.

    • 22/09/2020
    • Lin**** BLUE BOX
      Dark Brown Eyes Ivory

      instead of cobalt, it looks more like navy blue on my eyes.
      as usual, lenses are comfortable and stylish

    • 07/09/2020
    • Kim**** BLUE BOX
      Dark Brown Eyes Beige

      All the lines in this color box are very comfortable and can last a good 6-9 hours depending on ur eyes! The blues are very beautiful, some are more vibrant and pop out while some are more natural looking! Love olens blue lenses!

    • 16/08/2020