상품리뷰 안 포토리뷰 영역

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상품리뷰 안 리뷰 목록

    • Eee**** ViVi Ring 1Day Olive (10p) 2+1
      Dark Brown Eyes Beige

      Best lenses ever ! So so pretty ! The limbal ring makes your eye pop ! I love them

    • 05/12/2024
    • Sss**** ViVi Ring 1Day Olive (10p) 2+1
      Dark Brown Eyes Beige

      So pretty ! I love them so much ! I wish they had them in monthly too ! I have nothing bad to say about these :)

    • 05/12/2024
    • Hsj**** ViVi Ring 1Day Olive (10p)
      Dark Brown Eyes Beige

      My favorite lenses of all time! It’s so natural yet so eye catching and gives your eyes a dolly effect ! The best of the best !

    • 05/12/2024
    • Han**** ViVi Ring 1Day Olive (10p)
      Black Eyes Porcelain

      올리브 색상 렌즈가 이렇게 예쁜지 처음알았습니다
      좀 화려할까봐 도전못했는데 한번쯤 사볼만한거 같아요

    • 25/11/2024
    • chx**** ViVi Ring 1Day Olive (10p)
      None Info Natural

      Nice!OLENS offers high-quality colored and clear contact lenses that are loved for their comfort, natural-looking designs, and innovative features like UV protection and hydration.

    • 25/11/2024